Small coaching groups for online leaders who want a supportive, structured space to grow in both confidence and knowledge. Crowdsource solutions to your challenges and get both peer to peer and expert coaching support.
You want to stop doubting your own judgements and abilities and start making confident, bold decisions that reflect what is meaningful to you.
You want to move into the future unburdened by your past experiences and create a new narrative of you as a confident, meaning led Leader.
You no longer want to compare yourself unfavourably to others and berate yourself with thoughts of 'I should be there by now' and instead want to carve your own unique path.
You want to express yourself more, stop hiding and sitting on the sidelines and actually make an impact, be an authority.
What if you had not just one mentor but a whole group of them?!
The magic of the Group Gather is that everyone wants you to succeed. The groups are expertly facilitated to ensure they run smoothly and the dynamics are working well, whilst also being filled with peers who are able to offer valuable support to grow your business whilst encouraging and motivating you to grow and feel empowered. In the Group Gathers the members become your team of peer mentors as well as your close friends and the people who champion you the most!
What if you could identify quickly and easily what you need to do next?
The Group Gathers are a hive mind of insight and information. They encourage genuine, honest conversations by ensuring that confidentiality is our number one rule. You can crowdsource innovative and creative solutions to your challenges through the shared learning that comes from hearing the honest experiences of others. You'll come away with actions and accountability. Not only that, but it's a highly cost effective alternative to hiring mentors, consultants and coaches or taking courses!
What if you could get expert coaching and skills training too?
In every monthly call we follow a structure that starts with a deep dive into a key leadership skill such as identifying your own blind spots, knowing how to communicate effectively and how to build trust (in yourself and your audience). Then we move into Coaching in a couple of different formats to ensure that everyone gets the opportunity to be coached in every session. You can be assured of coming away clearer, more confident and with specific, tangible next steps after every Gather.
This is for you if you are a Leader, Entrepreneur or Business owner and want 2023 to be the year that...
You stop second guessing yourself and make decisions easily and effortlessly.
You are seen and heard as the authority you are.
You step fully into what you stand for without fear of rejection or humiliation.
You own your opinion and communicate with crystal clear messaging.
You find your tribe and finally relax a little, knowing how supported you are.
The monthly group gathering of minds, held over zoom. Unlike large networking groups or group coaching programmes with hundreds of members, our Gathers are limited to just 20 people, providing you with a much more personalised experience and deep, trusted relationships with your fellow Gatherers.
Never feel alone or unsupported again. This is a non-competitive, safe space, you'll never strain to be heard, it's not about networking (although this will naturally happen), it's about transformation, connection and trust (mainly in yourself). It's designed to give you a safe space to speak up about your pain points with those who know exactly how you feel and working together to move each other forward. Feel your confidence soar as you join a highly confidential space where you are seen, heard, coached and championed from day one.
Sessions are strictly bound by Confidentiality Agreements that everyone must agree to and sign before starting. Participants often share highly sensitive information and we ensure you are protected so you can speak freely.
It's a collaborative space where you will be able to gain valuable insights into how to move your business forward and approach things differently with your mindset. Change happens when you are expertly coached whilst also gaining insight from peers.
There will be opportunities to coach and be coached as well as having space to develop and create innovative ideas and receive guidance on bringing these to life. We have peer to peer coaching in every session as well as expert coaching.
Each group is limited to a maximum of 20 participants to ensure that you get as much value as possible from each session whilst still having enough people participating to get the crowdsource effect.
Each session will help you to challenge yourself and learn how to effectively challenge others, so that you come out stronger, more empowered and ready to deal with whatever comes your way.
It's easy to have our confidence knocked when we are constantly comparing to others but here we grow your confidence alongside your business so you can trust yourself and really shine.
Nova Cobban is a Psychotherapist, Psychologist, High Performance Coach and Award Winning Business Strategist with over 20 years experience.
Nova has worked with companies such as TikTok, Sainsbury's, Ogilvy, Rightmove, EE, Global, DMG, Reach Plc and many more, delivering training, coaching surgeries, workshops and talks.
Her work has been featured in Woman & Home, Good Housekeeping, Metro, Stylist, Sunday Express, Daily Mail, Mirror, Women's Health, Natural Health, Hello, The Independent and Closer.
Nova has been running group coaching for many years and will be facilitating your sessions and coaching members within each of the Group Gathers.
The times for the calls are always on a weekday and will either be 10:00 - 12:00 GMT or 15:00 -17:00 GMT and held on the last week of every month. When you join the membership you can state your preference and we will go with the preference of the majority. Where we have more than one group we will try to cover both times so you can choose. All Group Gathers are 2 hours long. This is to ensure there is plenty of time for the skills training, plus the peer coaching and expert led coaching sections.
You don't have to attend every Group Gather but we don't record them (for confidentiality reasons). So if you miss one you can access the skills training part which will be sent to you, but not the coaching section from that session.
Groups Gathers are for online business owners, Leaders and Entrepreneurs, they aren't for those who haven't yet started their business or are thinking about starting one. You need to have been in business for at least a year to be able to contribute fully to the group.
We create the rules collaboratively for every Group Gather when they start, but we have some fundamental expectations for behaviour within the groups which everyone is responsible for upholding. The groups follow a structure which keeps things moving and because they are facilitated you can rest assured that the group will always remain a safe space to be. Our T&C's can be found here
Yes you absolutely can! All our Group Gathers run for 6 months and then you have the option of continuing on a rolling monthly basis in a slightly different format (don't worry we'll tell you more about that at the time). You can either pay £97 a month for 6 months or you can save yourself a bit of money and pay in full for the year at £497.
Once a circle has begun it is closed and no one else is able to join. New members can shift the dynamics which means trust needs to be re-established and this can be disruptive. So we maintain the integrity of the group by keeping it closed for 6 month cycles. This means that we do ask you to pay for your place for the whole 6 month cycle regardless of whether you can make all the sessions. So whilst you can leave at any time (we will do our best to ensure there's no reason on our end why this would ever happen of course), but you will still be charged as you have a place that we are unable to offer to anyone else.
© Copyright 2023 Positive Potential Ltd.